Frequently Asked Questions

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    What is Hotel Rate Parity?
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    What is block allocation of rooms, flights, and rental cars?
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    Why are some rental car prices so much lower than others?

    There are two types of rental car locations: Onsite and Offsite. Onsite airport locations pay considerable fees to be located on airport property, which are passed on to the consumer. Offsite locations do not pay fees, so this is reflected in the price you pay for the rental. Offsite locations do add another layer of complexity to your travels, as getting to and from the airport is your responsibility to arrange. Many offsite car rental agencies do not have shuttle services to and from airports.

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    Why is the "Retail Price" not available at some of the locations I am looking at in the booking portal?

    There are 2 reasons this occurs:

    1. As a private membership club, we are provided wholesale rates and are not subject to the hotel rate parity agreement. Whether intentional or an error, the hotel’s wholesale rate is set just a few points below its retail rate, which affects the rate posted on our booking platform. All public OTA’s are paid a +- 20% commission for bookings and this is part of the rate parity agreement. We and other private travel clubs operate on a 3-5% markup over wholesale so if the wholesale rate is set just a few points below the retail rate, our markup can and does push our posted rate above retail, and therefore the Retail price is not posted.
    2. On rare occasions, inventory block allocation also affects that rate. That particular room may be sold out in our allocation of rooms available, if so, we do not get the room at wholesale, you can still book it, but it will be at retail pricing.